
Anyone Fancy a Beer Festival?

Anyone Fancy a Beer Festival?

At the recent ACB meeting we were discussing local beer festivals so thought we should start a list with dates and links, see you there?

Some you have to book tickets so take a look at the websites for details.

Useful sources for beer festivals:

If you know of a festival and think we should add it drop us a note


28th – 31st January 2026Colchester Winter


TBCChappel Winter
TBCGreat British Winter Beer Festival


6th – 8th March 2025Chelmsford Brew Co Beer FestivalPoster
14th – 16th March 2025Beer & Sausage FestivalLive & Let Live, Stanway, Colchester
27th – 30th March 2025Other Monkey, Colchester
28th – 29th March 2025Chelmsford Craft Beer Festival


2nd – 5th April 2025Maldon Beer Festival
16th – 21st April 2025Briarbank Spring, Ipswich
17th – 20th April 2025Other Monkey, Colchester
17th – 21st April 2025Old Cannon Beer Festival, Bury St Edmunds
18th – 21st April 0205Easter Beer Festival, Mersea Island
26th April 2025St Georges Beer Festival, Brentwood Brewery


9th – 11th May 2025Sproughton Beer Festival
10th May 2025Radio City Open DayRadio City – Brewery Tour/Tap Room Visit
17th May 2025ACB – Shed Brewers FestivalWatch this space…
19th – 24th May 2025Cambridge Beer Festival
28th – 31st May 2025Colchester Beer Festival


3rd – 7th June 2025Thurrock Beer Festival
5th – 8th June 2025Braintree Beer Festival


15th to 19th July 2025Chelmsford Beer Festival
24th – 26th July 2025Redoubt Beer Festival


1st – 2nd August 2025Music & Beer Festival at the Vulcan
5th – 9th August 2025Great British Beer Festival
20th – 25th August 2025East Anglian Beer Festival
20th – 25th August 2025Briarbank Summer, Ipswich
22nd – 25th August 2025Mid Norfolk Beer Festival


9th – 13th September 2025Chappel Beer Festival



TBCBeccles Beer Festival


ACB January Meeting Minutes

ACB January Meeting Minutes

Once food choices had been made, and initial drinks purchased at the bar, we kicked off, as ever, with our beer challenge. Attendees were invited to present “dark beers” for the appreciation and judging of those present, and we had 9 beers submitted for critique…there were 5 porters of varying heritage, one RIS, one Dark Lager, one Mild and one Chocolate Stout.

The standard was, as is increasingly common these days, very high, with none of the beers exhibiting obvious faults.