Annual Meetup and Events Schedule

This is a preliminary list of ACB meetings and events that we are planning for the next 12 months, please note that these are only placeholders and final dates could change closer to the time. When a final date and agenda for the day has been agreed there will be a link to the full events page for details and you should receive a notification by email.

Beers challenges for each meetup up are included with additional details about each challenge below.

Click the buttons below to show the full list.

Annual Events

MonthLocationDescriptionBeer Challenge StyleLink
10th JanuarySuffolkMonthly MeetingWater treatment challenge
1st FebruaryEssexMonthly MeetingWater treatment challenge
1st MarchSuffolkMonthly MeetingWater treatment challenge
20th MarchSuffolkMauldons
Brewery Tour/Clone
Black Adder (Stout)
5th April EssexMonthly MeetingMalt challenge
13th AprilCambridgeMonthly MeetingSee CAB website
3rd MaySuffolkMonthly MeetingMalt challenge
10th MayEssexRadio City
Brewery Tour/Clone
17th MayEssexShed Brewers FestivalNA
7th JuneEssexMonthly MeetingMalt Challenge
6th JulySuffolkMonthly MeetingSingle hop challenge
3rd AugustEssexMonthly MeetingSingle hop challenge
6th SeptemberSuffolkMonthly MeetingSingle hop challenge
20th SeptemberEssexChelmsford
Brewery Tour/clone
TBCChelmsford Brewery Tour
4th OctoberEssexMonthly MeetingYeast Challenge
1st NovemberSuffolkAnnual AGMNA2024 Minutes: /events/acb-agm-164/
22nd NovemberCambridgeMonthly MeetingYeast Challenge
6th DecemberEssexMonthly MeetingYeast Challenge

Beer Challenges

There will be four beer challenges run through the course of 2025, below are details of the beer challenges and any restrictions.

Click the below button to show the full list:

Q1 – Water Treatment Challenge (February – March)

The remit is super simple: Make a pale beer with Anglian tap water.

Q2 – Malt Challenge (April – June)

The remit is simple: Use at least 70% Weyermann Barke Munich malt – any style, any hop(s), any yeast.

Q3 – Single Hop Challenge (July – September)

Colin Miller agreed to speak to Charles Faram about their experimental hops to see whether one of these might suit our single hop challenge. We are looking to build a relationship with Faram’s offering to provide brewers feedback and tasting notes. We’ll look to hold the challenge at the final monthly meeting of the quarter (TBC) to allow as much time in the quarter as possible. Any beer, any style you choose. However, you must use the experimental hop provided as the only hop additions.

Q4 – Yeast (October – December)

Colin Miller again offered (he must have been feeling merry at this point) to talk to yeast manufacturers to get at least 1x set yeast for the same recipe beer or set recipe and 2x different yeasts, provided to brewers at random. The resulting beers will be tasted at a suitable point before Christmas.