
Oct 31 2023 - Nov 24 2023


11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Advent Beer Box – 2023

As summer draws to a close once more, we find ourselves eagerly anticipating the charms of shorter days, snugly warm jumpers, and dark, flavourful beers by a crackling fire (or cosy radiator). There’s no finer way to conjure up that enchanting atmosphere than by savouring homemade brews crafted with care by your fellow homebrewing enthusiasts during the festive month.

We’re excited to invite you to join in the fun once more this year. If you haven’t participated before, the concept is straightforward: brew your own beer and provide us with 24 bottles (details about logistics and drop-off locations will be announced). In return, you’ll receive a box containing 24 distinct beers, one for each day of the upcoming month.

If you are interested, please RSVP for this event by accepting it above. The deadline for acceptance is October 31, 2023, and we kindly request that your beers be ready for the last week of November. This timeframe allows us to coordinate distribution and ensures everyone receives their assortment of beers by December 1st.

The event is finished.

7 thoughts on “Advent Beer Box – 2023

      1. OK that’s great thanks. Also I was wondering if there is any feedback for the beers like a rating sheet with notes do that everyone can share their thoughts on each others brews?

        1. No we don’t do feedback sheets as it would be too much admin for that many brewers, but we have various places online where we chat about the current beer of the day. Either the ACB Facebook page or if you want we use Slack where we all chat about the advent beers and lots of other brewing related things. If you are interested in joining let me know here and I will email you directly with more details.

  1. Hello, new to this and just have a query regarding drop offs/collections. Are they typically somewhere central or easily accessible? I don’t drive so would need an idea of how I could sort before confirming. Thanks, Liam

    1. Hi Liam, depends where you are based but we usually have central hubs in Colchester, Chelmsford and Ipswich we will be sending an email in the next week or two with further details and we can sort out a plan for getting your beers to and from one of the hubs.

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